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File List | 1994-01-22 | 6.3 KB | 81 lines |
- ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
- │ 7 - Spreadsheets and Utilities │
- └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
- 123CDMTG.ZIP 55818 10-29-93 Lotus 123 spreadsheet for Canadian
- | mortgage calculation, one for weekly,
- | one for monthly and one for bi-monthly.
- 123MACRO.ZIP 21734 06-16-93 Several Lotus 1-2-3 macros for use or
- | study within Lotus 1-2-3.
- AC3PKG.ZIP 173475 09-16-93 AstroCalculator 3 v3.01.Spreadsheet /
- | calculator shareware release.
- ASA55D1.ZIP 303994 07-12-93 AS-EASY-AS v5.50D: Powerful Spreadsheet
- | from TRIUS. EMS & Virtual Memory, Text/
- | Graph Printing, Fully Mouse Compatible,
- | Multiple Views, Math/Financial/
- | Statistical/String/Date Functions, Macro
- | Language & Record, Print Preview,
- | Goal-seeking, File Linking, Matrix Math,
- | and Much more. [Docs in ASA55D2.ZIP].
- BUHLMANN.ZIP 256915 10-18-93 Spreadsheet implementation of the
- | Buhlmann Algorithm.
- CNTRYCAL.ZIP 63541 06-02-93 A Country Calendar In Excel.
- DELIM327.ZIP 40693 04-25-93 Delimit v3.27: converts print files,
- | fixed format files, and data files from
- | PCs, Minis & mainframes into delimited
- | files (tab, comma user defined, fixed
- | format); converts formatted numbers,
- | signed numbers, into a format
- | spreadsheets and databases can
- | understand.
- GEOBUD.ZIP 13224 10-20-93 Geoworks v2.0: Spreadsheet file to
- | calculate your monthly expenses. Very
- | simple, in Geocalc format.
- OPTIMUM.ZIP 7315 08-20-93 123 worksheet template to demonstrate
- | Markowitz Portfolio Optimization
- | strategy. Example of 3 investment
- | portfolio worked out plus all equations
- | documented.
- PARLAYS.ZIP 41123 07-09-93 Baseball parlay.wk1 files. Used to find
- | possible payoffs for two game parlays.
- | FavoriteFavorite, UnderdogUnderdog,
- | FavoriteUnderdog with rain chart. Based
- | on money lines. I.e. -120, 140 etc. A
- | must have for baseball gamblers.
- PAR_CALC.ZIP 32175 07-26-93 PAR-CALC v1.0: Calculates money line
- | parlays for baseball, etc, max 7 play
- | parlay, lines from -300 to 300.
- QPROUTIL.ZIP 153580 06-04-93 Portfolio of macros for Quattro Pro
- | Users. Public domain library provided by
- | Borland International, consisting of
- | timesaving spread sheet templates and
- | macros designed to execute common
- | mathematical functions.
- STKCV320.ZIP 9290 05-25-93 STK CONV v3.20: converts CIM stock
- | files into individual comma separated
- | value files which can then be easily
- | imported into MS-Excel and other
- | spreadsheets or databases.
- SUPER_M3.ZIP 277564 06-09-93 Super Macro Library for LOTUS 123 v3.4:
- | Over 250 .WK1 macros over 220 .MLB
- | macros menu-driven Macro Managers to
- | start macros using Point & Shoot. Data
- | inside ranges does not have to be
- | contiguous or same type. Macros sense
- | the Lotus version and automatically
- | handle 2-D and 3-D ranges.
- TABPRO20.ZIP 90104 01-15-94 Tabpro v2.0: Autocad Interface To
- | Spreadsheet Data. Paste Tables And Other
- | Tabular Text And Numerical Data Into
- | Your Autocad Drawing. Tabpro Reads Lotus
- | And Excel Files Directly, And Runs From
- | Within The Autocad Drawing Editor.
- TOOL123.ZIP 100706 07-01-93 Scientific & Engineering Tool for LOTUS
- | 123 v1.3: Solver and Calculator
- | (menu-driven Lotus 123 application).
- | Integration and differentiation of
- | datatables and functions, Curve fit
- | (linear, polynomial, exponential, and
- | Powers). Units conversion, formulas
- | programming. Solve non-linear equations.